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MacBride Museum of Yukon History
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MacBride Museum of Yukon History

The MacBride Museum of Yukon History is a non profit museum located in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Founded in 1950 by the Yukon Historical Society, and opened in 1952, it is the oldest museum in the Yukon. Funding to expand the museum was approved in 2016 by the Department of Canadian Heritage and Government of Yukon, with the co-operation of the City of Whitehorse. The museum consists of three sites: the MacBride Museum, MacBride Roundhouse, and the MacBride Copperbelt Mining Museum.

It has a giant copper nugget on display in front of the museum that is a must see. I believe the nugget was found near one of the copper mines on the White River.
You’re bored in class. You decide to catch mind readers and scream in your head. Suddenly, you see your crush flinching.
Edited by Damsel_in_Stress, at

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